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World's Most Congested Cities - and Cairo is one of them!!!

Cities with the highest density of population per square kilometer are the logical candidates for becoming the most congested, because congestion increases as the growth in their wealth increases the number of cars versus the less expensive alternatives of bicycles, motor scooters or motorcycles. Cars take up more room whether they are in motion or when parked--if they can be parked. U.S. and European cities have often chosen to place garages in new buildings, while older nonindustrialized cities often lack such amenities. Cars may therefore be parked everywhere, legally or illegally. The cities with the highest level of population congestion are: Manila, the Philippines; Cairo, Egypt ; Lagos, Nigeria; Macau, off the Chinese coast; Seoul, South Korea; Dhaka, Bangladesh; Buenos Aires, Argentina; Jakarta, Indonesia; Kaohsiung, Taiwan; and Santo Domingo, the Dominican Republic. To drive a car in any of them might be the ultimate challenge.Well over 50 million cars are being manufactured in the world each year, and they have to go someplace. There are over 240 million vehicles in the U.S. alone, while the world estimate is over 750 million vehicles and counting. The tilt is toward more vehicles for those places least able to cope with them. It is estimated that by 2030 the number of vehicles in the world will double.These cities have priorities, but the priorities rarely include building new roads or repairing old roads. The investment that's required also includes elements that go far beyond digging, filling and paving. There is a political nightmare that involves the need for land to build the road and a buy-in from the government, local despots and citizens. Making a better commute can get lost in the shuffle of appeasing or greasing each of these individuals or groups.


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