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Showing posts from May, 2008

Seafood in Egypt

Wonderful sea food in Egypt. two days ago, I ate sea food in Egypt. It was delcious. This one is called Kaboria ( or abo gallambo). it is delcious. Here is a pic of what  I ate here in Egypt. You know I think Seafood has a lot calcium  and mineral supplement to the body.

egyptian batta

Egyptian batta or Duck. I bought a batta today for 80 LE and I cooked it with onion. I ate Okra ( Bamia) and the Batta ( the duck) . It was delicios. #END

Quick sandwich in Egypt

Take away the Quick sandwich This is a restaurant name ( take away one ) Where I got my hot chicken fillet sandwich from today. It way delicious indeed. ummm yummm.

effectif Arguements

I argue very well. Ask any of my remaining friends. I can win an argument on any topic, against any opponent. People know this and steer clear of me at parties. Often, as a sign of their great respect, they don't even invite me. You too can win arguments. Simply follow these rules: Drink liquor. Suppose you are at a party and some hotshot intellectual is expounding on the economy of Peru, a subject you know nothing about. If you're drinking some health-fanatic drink like grapefruit juice, you'll hang back, afraid to display your ignorance, while the hotshot enthralls your date. But if you drink several large martinis, you'll discover you have STRONG VIEWS about the Peruvian economy. You'll be a WEALTH of information. You'll argue forcefully, offering searing insights and possibly upsetting furniture. People will be impressed. Some may leave the room. Make things up. Suppose, in the Peruvian economy argument, you are trying to prove that Peruvians are under...

Egypt and Money

All fuel prices along with other stuff have increased. This means all food transportation and other stuff have gone insane. How can that be true when I heard that Prime Minister Ahmed Nazif said the move will not "put any burden on the low income" people.