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Dove and cracked skin

I was searching for something to moisturise my skin and nourish my skin and I tried a soap called Dove. It is very good soap for dry skin because it contain a moisturising cream, I bought it for 5 egyptian ponds from the pharmacy.


Unknown said…
An important aspect of treatment is to identify and tackle any factors that may be contributing to the dry skin. It is natural to think that applying water alone to dry skin would help control the problem. However, water alone can actually worsen the problem of dry skin by removing the normal, protective skin oils. Hot, soapy water depletes the natural skin oils to the greatest degree. Anyone who has tried to wash a skillet covered with bacon grease in cold soapy water knows how effective heat is in softening up oils and fats so that they can be washed away. However, water followed by the application of oil such as a moisturizer is of great benefit for dry skin. The oil in the moisturizer helps trap and seal water in the stratum corneum and makes the skin softer, smoother and less likely to become dry, cracked and itchy.

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Unknown said…
This problem is most common in winter, so dry skin is the usual suspect. People who wash their hands a lot, from mechanics to health care providers, are especially vulnerable. When thyroid hormone levels drop too low, dry skin, particularly cracked fingertips, may result. Dove bar soap from liquid soap for washing hands in the winter and it seems to reduce the amount of skin cracking.

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