It is a yummy pastry delicious recipe, It is said that the name came from the woman who invented this recipe.
The Ingredients:
1\4 Kil of Phyllo or filo
1\4 Kilo Sugar
one cup of Butter
some broken nuts almond , pistachio, walnut , raisin
1 1/2 Kilo Milk
The mthod
cut the phyllo into some pieces according to the pot size
put the butter and heat till the phyllo take a red couolor
take the red phylo and put it into another plate and put half of them into the plate then add the broken nuts, almond raisin and add then add the other half. heat the milk and add thesugar into it then spill it into the ommo Ali recipe.
leave about 1/4 an hour to soak with the milk then bake for 1\4 an hour.
bel hanaa2 wa shefaa2