I ate koshary yesterday. I tastes good. how to make that koshary?
boil some paste
boil some rice
rinse then boil some 3ads be gebba or 3ads begebba عدس بجبة
boil Some 7ommos
burn some strips of onion ( basal) with some oil to make the ta2leyya التقلية
prepare the sauce as you like. put some tomoatoes sauce with some salt and some onion or garlic and condiments or spices.
the do22a الدقة I think it is formed by some vinegar and some garlic ثوم thum
mix all of those ingredient with the quantity you like in a dish and mix then eat bel hana
boil some paste
boil some rice
rinse then boil some 3ads be gebba or 3ads begebba عدس بجبة
boil Some 7ommos
burn some strips of onion ( basal) with some oil to make the ta2leyya التقلية
prepare the sauce as you like. put some tomoatoes sauce with some salt and some onion or garlic and condiments or spices.
the do22a الدقة I think it is formed by some vinegar and some garlic ثوم thum
mix all of those ingredient with the quantity you like in a dish and mix then eat bel hana