Best thing you make it yourself, Here is the recipe for the ice cream.
it may be the easiest recipe for ice cream
3 cups of milk
1 cup of sugar
3 eggs eggs white
Mic the milk with sugar then mix the eggs white and mix till they become homogenous
Then you should prepeare some cream chante with some Vanilla about 4 cups and put them portionwise to the mixtures. Stirring is important.
Try this, it should work. I did not make it personally I just heard about it.
it may be the easiest recipe for ice cream
3 cups of milk
1 cup of sugar
3 eggs eggs white
Mic the milk with sugar then mix the eggs white and mix till they become homogenous
Then you should prepeare some cream chante with some Vanilla about 4 cups and put them portionwise to the mixtures. Stirring is important.
Try this, it should work. I did not make it personally I just heard about it.